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Hello again everyone and boy have I added a bunch of stuff to my collection. First up is a set of three figures that I picked up for a pretty good deal on ebay.
Endor Rebel I know this guy is just a dupe of the bearded version that came out earlier this year, but it's stil one of my favorite sculpts. Finally, Hasbro has made the weapons to scale and the removable helmet and not so bulky equipment pack is perfect. I wish Hasbro would have changed up the pose a bit, but it's a cool figure nonetheless. I give it a solid B. Teemto Pagalies It is very refreshing to see a plain old semi-poseable action figure again. It's limited poseability reminds of the old POTF2 days but with a good 21st Century detailed sculpt. In my opinion, because Teemto is a minor character in the vast Star Wars galaxy it's not necessary to add any bells and whistles. But the accessories are great for diorama fillers. This is also a pretty cool fig. I'm going with a B+, just because of the detailed sculpt. Ki-Adi-Mundi Now I know this is basically the same figure that was released three years ago in the Episode I line, but I think it's a figure worth owning. There are three minor differences that I feel add to this guy. First, the new paint on the arms and skirt enhances the figure. Second, the right arm is articulated at the elbow, which is neat and gives some options with poseability. Finally, the lightsaber is new and has a removable blade which has become the standard for the Saga line. A definite improvement on the original. I'm thinking an A.
Padme Coruscant Attack Now here, Hasbro takes a potentially GREAT figure and ruins it by adding one of those silly little action features like 'quick-draw' action. C'mon. That big old button sticking out of the figure's back takes away from a fabulously detailed sculpt and instead of having a nice, tight articulated figure, you have a wobbly toy that can't hold a pose without an action stand. This Padme jiggles a little too much for me. It's only saving grace is the sculpt and attention to detail (it matches the AOTC visual dictionary perfectly). The radar tower is good for dioramas, but that's it. I give this one a disappointing C+.
Clonetrooper Gunship Pilot Now this is definitely one of Hasbro's best. The sculpt and poseability is outstanding with just enough articulation to keep it from being too basic. And the detail is awesome! There are no special 'action features' or anything like that. The accessories are pretty cool too. A laser cannon and blaster pistol to sweeten the deal. At 5.00 retail you can't beat it. This is just a great toy and collectable. I'm going with an A+!!!!!!!